Abi Somerfield
Nothing sketchy about Abi. With a dark creative past and a gritty colour-instinct, she’s got accounts nailed down to a fine art.
Call: 0121 788 3311
Sephton is headed and run by experienced specialists, with expertise in every aspect of accountancy, taxation and business advisory services. Our teams work closely together. Which means solid support when you need it and a holistic view to planning for your future.
Nothing sketchy about Abi. With a dark creative past and a gritty colour-instinct, she’s got accounts nailed down to a fine art.
A dashing highflyer overseeing the audit team is music to every business’s ears. His odd hobby of bagpipe-playing isn’t.
Having trained and qualified with us, Becky is Sephton through and through – brilliant, reliable, friendly and fun. Clearly.
Started off (in) small (practice) before hitting the big time with Sephton. For Charli, family comes first (after her skilled vat and bookkeeping, obvs).
Insatiably curious explorer and auditor.
Loves a bit of new city investigation alongside a financial statement’s examination.
Travelled solo from KPMG to Sephton.
Accountant and keen skier. Finds thrills on the black run of really hard sums. Après-office hours, he’s off-piste at the footie.
Fun loving, hands-on Partner who gets to the heart of his clients. Also gets to the heart of his football… from a sporty looking armchair.
Fitness fan Ellie. Either exercising payroll prowess at work, or a full body workout in the gym.
Life is one big ACCA-studying party, right. But her rider for the post-show chill?
– beach
– sun
– cocktails
Going to a gin bar, gin bar, gin bar! But when she’s not, Immy serves up an infused and spirited measure of top-grade payroll.
Football fan who scored an early goal starting his career with Sephton.
Now ACCA-qualified, he’s equipped with a super league of accounts prep, audit and corporate tax talent.
Adept archer Jas draws a mean bow and fires a precision arrow. Accounts prep is on point and always hits the target.
BBQ fiend brandishing a decade of blazing bookkeeping and sizzling Sage expertise. *slings on another sausage*
Enter stage right – theatre buff Karen. Directs the personal tax team with experience and to rapturous client applause.
Motor enthusiast Kay revs accounts production up a gear, and ensures work flow runs smoothly at full throttle.
Staying in to study for ACCA accreditation is the new going out. Said no one ever. Trooper Kelsey is managing both.
Administrator and keen photographer, Marianne has an eye for capturing and organising office information.
History buff Megan is beguiled by ‘days of yore’ but keeps the VAT team strictly 21st century.
Not just any old VAT and bookkeeping… this is coffee-and-cake-powered VAT and bookkeeping. Strictly no issue unresolved and no crumb uneaten.
Our Sage and Kashflow maestro finds accounts preparation ‘a walk in the park’. Time out of work with her boisterous dog ends up more of a run.
Shopping-loving petrol head.
Takes purchasing excursions at competitive pace on the weekend, putting her in pole position for VAT proficiency during the week.
Between concerts, festivals and hill climbing, Shannon still finds energy to prepare accounts and tax perfectly.
The highly conscientious Partner who runs that extra mile for clients. Runs a few more at weekends in taupe fleecy joggers.
Snooker fan Stuart chalks up account production and tax by day, and pots winning balls in the evening.
Our meeter, greeter and business matchmaker. Puts clients in touch with managers and vice versa.
Has three passions in life – shoes, handbags and running the PAYE team. Brings glamour to more than 200 company payrolls.
Swimmer Vessi – happy in at the deep-end overseeing the bookkeeping team. Glides through vat returns without a splash.
Our hairy Head of Employee Happiness wafts zen and sprinkles tranquility. Will take your hand off for a slice of ham.